Scientific Computing, Modeling & Simulation
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Technical Reports, Theses, and Public Documents

Documents associated with "Dilip G. Kanhere"
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3 technical report/s
1 thesis/es
7 public document/s
0 outreach document/s

Technical Report/s

Document Title Author/s Download
TR-20241107 Understanding melting behavior of aluminum clusters using machine learned deep neural network potential energy surfaces Amit Kumar, Balasaheb J. Nagare, Raman Sharma, and Dilip G. Kanhere Journal
TR-20240401 Machine learned potential energy surfaces for free sodium clusters with density functional accuracy: Applications to melting Balasaheb J. Nagare, Sajeev Chacko, and Dilip G. Kanhere arXiv:2309.08937Journal
TR-20230813 On the relative abundances of Cavansite and Pentagonite Bhalchandra S. Pujari, Sagar Gehlot, Mihir Arjunwadkar, Dilip G. Kanhere, and Raymond Duraiswami arXiv:2308.06825Journal


Document Title Author/s Download
TH-20130331 Thermodynamics, Geometry and Electronic Structure of Confined Systems Prachi Chandrachud [10M pdf]

Public Document/s

Document Title Author/s Download
PD-20120305 Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Modeling and Simulation Abhay Parvate, Sukratu Barve, P. M. Gade, Dilip G. Kanhere, Sheelan Chowdhary, Deepak Bankar, and Anjali Kshirsagar [524K pdf]
PD-20081204 Rise and Decline of India's State University System: Neglect, Design, or Neglect by Design? Dilip G. Kanhere, Mihir Arjunwadkar, and Abhijat M. Vichare [200K pdf]
PD-20080218 Centre for Modeling and Simulation: Excellence in Academics, Research, and Outreach (2003-08 Final Report Submitted to the UGC) Mihir Arjunwadkar, Abhay Parvate, and Dilip G. Kanhere [395K pdf]
[794K ps.gz]
PD-20070416 Proposed UoP Mission Document: Is It Realistic Enough To Be Useful? Dilip G. Kanhere, and Mihir Arjunwadkar [180K pdf]
[311K ps]
PD-20070316 Centre for Modeling and Simulation: Excellence in Academics, Research, and Outreach (2003-07 Interim Report Submitted to the UGC) Dilip G. Kanhere, Mihir Arjunwadkar, Abhay Parvate, Sukratu Barve, and P. M. Gade [282K pdf]
[497K ps]
PD-20070223 Master of Technology (M.Tech.) Programme in Modeling and Simulation Mihir Arjunwadkar, Abhay Parvate, Sukratu Barve, P. M. Gade, and Dilip G. Kanhere [597K pdf]
[671K ps.gz]
PD-20050502 Advanced Diploma Programme in Modeling and Simulation Mihir Arjunwadkar, Dilip G. Kanhere, and P. M. Gade [254K pdf]
[413K ps]

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