Admissions for Academic Year 2024-25 are open ...
MTech Modeling & Simulation
MSc Scientific Computing
... contact the SCMS office for further information.

MTech programme in modeling & simulation

A unique rigorous multidisciplinary broad-based 2-year programme in foundations of mathematical modeling, computation & simulation. A mix of applied math, stat, and computing. Consists of core & elective courses and a full-semester internship. More information

MSc programme in scientific computing

A multidisciplinary blend focusing on computing, computer science, software engineering, and science applications. Consists of core & elective courses and a full-semester internship. More information

PhD programme in scientific computing

A broad-based PhD research programme covering computational and statistical science, computational engineering, scientific computing, modeling & simulation, etc. More information

Credit courses for campus

Many of the courses from the Department's academic programmes mentioned here are open to registered post-graduate students of SPPU campus departments under the University's choice-based credit system. More information

Short-duration internships

Short-duration (up to a year) nonpaid internships with individual faculty members at the Department. More information


We are sporadically opening up, for wider consumption, course material developed over the years. Visit our OpenCourseWare page for more information.