Scientific Computing, Modeling & Simulation
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Colloquium | Quantum Computing in Physics and Chemistry: Recent Developments and Future Directions

Title Quantum Computing in Physics and Chemistry: Recent Developments and Future Directions
Speaker Rahul Maitra, Department of Chemistry and Centre of Excellence in Quantum Information Computing Science & Technology, IIT-B

Rahul Maitra Rahul Maitra is an Associate Professor at IIT Bombay. He received his Ph.D. from Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata. Later, he pursued postdoctoral studies at Princeton University, Cornell University, USA and RIKEN, Japan before joining as an Assistant Professor at IIT Bombay in 2018. He was a visiting scientist at RIKEN Centre for Computational Science, Kobe, Japan during 2018-2021 and a recipient of IIT Bombay young research achievement award in 2022. His research areas encompass atomic and molecular physics, many-body electronic structure theory, and of late, quantum computing for quantum chemistry.
Date & Time Friday, 19 July 2024 | 11:00-12:00
Venue In-person: First-Floor Seminar Room, SCMS-SPPU
Abstract Quantum computing provides a new and exciting way to use the rules of quantum mechanics to solve problems that classical computers cannot handle at scale. One lucrative area is the determination of molecular properties and the study of chemical phenomena involving strongly correlated molecules, which can potentially lead to new discoveries in drug development, materials science, and more. With a pedagogical introduction to the basic concepts, I will discuss about a few recent developments in this direction. Our group has made several contributions to this field, which involve the development of dynamic shallow depth ansatze construction techniques, dimensionality reduction for resource-efficient quantum simulation of molecular energies, efficient methods for molecular excited state calculations and quantum noise mitigation. We will share some key findings and explain how they can potentially impact real-world chemistry research.
Organizer/Host Shridhar Gadre

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