Scientific Computing, Modeling & Simulation
Savitribai Phule Pune University

SCMS in Hindsight: Anvesh Penmetsa /* 2016 Feb 17, 13:18:42 */

Modeler (Courtasy: XKCD)
Anvesh Penmetsa
Web Profiles

Association with CMS
Advanced Diploma Programme in Modeling and Simulation

Epoch of Association

Pre-CMS Education, Occupation, Field
B.Tech in Biotechnology

Post-CMS Education, Occupation, Field
Business Intelligence specialist (Senior Software Engg., working in Tieto Software technologies Ltd.)

Curricula and teaching programmes

It was a good platform for me to understand the basics in computing as well as different mathematical concepts. the curricula was flexible as well as provided a good base knowledge to build the knowledge.


The teachers and staff were some of the best I have encountered in my entire educational career. they have good knowledge on subjects and they have always extended their help when ever students requested additional help. I would say I was fortunate enough to have some of the best visiting faculty from across different industries and geography's with great knowledge.

Overall experience

I would say my overall experience at CMS was a pleasure. this is one of the best things happened to me. the place was a pleasure to come, learn & interact with different people and learn new stuff.

Impact on career and growth

In terms of technical aspects that I have learned during my course time, haven't greatly helped in the current career that I have chosen for me. But the work ethics, sense of working as a team, people management and the way people go beyond the norms to help one another when help is needed are always points that stick with me.

Advice for current and future students

From my personnel point of view, this is a great place to come if one is interested in building his knowledge of computational skills & mathematical concepts. this is a great place to meet several special people who can shape/guide your future.

Which direction should CMS grow in?

I have been out of touch with CMS for quite a long time now (I hope that has not happened). I am not sure how CMS has grown during this time. so I feel I am not the best person to comment on how CMS has to grow. I hope to visit the campus soon and get myself better informed on the progress it has made.

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